Have you ever thought of switching to more natural cleaning remedies that can benefit you and your household? It can eliminate chemical exposure, save you money and even save time. Here are some pointers on getting started on your natural, clean home by using a homemade multipurpose cleaner and tips for the many uses of coconut oil!

All Purpose Cleaner:
Instead of going with the normal Lysol multipurpose cleaner from the grocery store, start making your own cleaner with ingredients from your very own kitchen.

You will Need:

  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Dawn Dish Soap
  • 4 tablespoons of white vinegar
  • 400 ml of warm water

Now stir or shake well to mix and you have yourself a brand new multipurpose cleaner from scratch!

Cleaning with Coconut Oil
As we all know, Coconut Oil has proven itself to be a nectar straight from the gods with cooking, skincare, and now even cleaning. Here are some handy uses to add to this fatty oils resume.

  • Use coconut oil to remove sticky residues from stickers or labels! Simply rub a small amount on affected area and remove with a wet washcloth.
  • Use coconut oil as furniture polish!
  • Coconut oil has the ability to make any stainless steel kitchen gleam and sparkle!